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Published: Mar 2021
Updated: Jun 2021

curl – transfer a URL

curl is one of the OG commands. The best way to learn curl is by example. There are two primary styles: interactive and noninteractive.

Interactive mode means someone is manually entering curl commands. Noninteractive means used in a script. Noninteractive implies set -euo pipefail in this guide. That means in a noninteractive mode, we want curl commands to fail (exit non-zero) if the request does not work and print an error for transparency.


# write the contents to standard out
$ curl https://example.com
# write the contents to a file (--output/-o)
$ curl -o sample.html https://example.com
# print request and response headers
$ curl -v https://example.com
# supress progress information (--silent/-s)
$ curl --silent https://example.com
# Make a URL encoded POST request
$ curl --data-urlenencode foo=bar https://example.com
# Make a JSON POST request
$ curl \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json` \
  --data-binary '{"foo":"bar"}' \
# Make a request in a script (i.e non-interactive mode) that fails
with an error if unsuccessful
$ curl -fsSL https://example.com

Common Options

-o, --output
Write the response body to this location. curl outputs to standard out by default.
-s, --silent
AKA: do not output anything. Disables the progress bar.
-f, --fail
Do not output anything and exit non-zero on server errors.
-S, --show-error
Use with --fail to print an error to standard error
-L, --location
Follow a redirect
Set a Header. May be specified multiple times.
Set the HTTP method
-d key=value, --data key=value
Set key to the URL encoded value
-u <user:password>, --user <user:password>
Set an HTTP username and password. Either or both my be specified (just-user: or :just-password).


  • Use -fsSL in all scripts
  • Control output with -o
  • Prefer --data-urlencode instead of -d or --data
  • Prefer -u or --user instead of manual -H authorization headers when possible


–data vs –data-urlencode

You’ll see many examples like curl -d foo=bar https://example.com. The -d or --data option does not URL encode the value. This typically works for simple values but leaves new users assuming that -d is the way to send POSTS with data. I recommend using --data-urlencode over -d or --data because commands with these options, in my experience, typically work with machine or user provided data; thus they may need URL encoding to send correctly. Put it another way: how often are you working with previously URL encoded values? If you’re like me then answer is virtually never.

Data Options Do Not Support Nested Objects or Arrays

You may be thinking something like curl -d foo[bar]=baz works. It doesn’t. If you need to send complex data then either use JSON (through -H 'Content-Type: application/json and --data-binary) or find a way to encode data outside curl and use with --data @file.txt.

Odds are if you hitting this, then you’re pushing up against the limits of curl for your use case.

No Failed Responses to Standard Error

tl;dr: curl -fsSL is the best you’re gonna get for noninteractive uses.

I want my curl commands to behave like this: If the response is a 200 then output as directed; if not then exit non-zero and print the response body to standard error.

This behavior is not possible to my knowledge.

Using --fail, --silent, --show-error meet the first requirement. However if the request fails, curl outputs something like Server return 403 (exit 22) to standard error. This information is helpful but not entirely. The response body is especially useful in this case because it may indicate why the response is 403.

This may be possible if curl could write responses as directed (by using -o or --output) and to stderr. This is not possible. The response body may only be handled with -o or --output. So if you want to see the response body on error and exit non-zero then there is no way to accomplish this.

If you really need this behavior then you need to use the --write-out in combination with -o and omit --fail. This allows you to write the status code and body separately. They can be checked and handled separately.