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Bash Bootcamp: Writing Usage Descriptions

Published: Jun 2021
Updated: Jun 2021

We have all seen these. The examples have included them. They’re in every man page. But what’s expected to be in a usage description? How they describe optional vs required flags? What about required positional arguments? What about indefinite argument lists? There is a generally agreed upon standard for how to communicate these things. Let’s dive in so the documentation for our programs matches user’s expectations.

Consider this excert from sed man page. It demonstrates almost everything.

sed [-Ealn] command [file ...]

Optional arguments are wrapped in [ ]. This usage description tells us that the -E, -a, -l, and -n flags are optional. Required positionl arguments are written as is. You may see these in all caps. This is really the author’s preference. Next there is an optional indefinite list of files. This denoted by [ ] and using ... to represent any number of files may be provided. This mostly used with shell globging. Here are some example invocations.

$ cat words.txt | sed s/hi/HI/g
$ sed s/hi/HI/g chapter1.txt chapter2.txt
$ set s/hi/HI/g chapter*.txt

The first example does not provide any file arguments. Instead output it piped to sed. This is why file is optional. However it’s not possible express conditional logic in usage description. This is why complete documentation is so important. Let’s continue our exploration by looking at the grep man page.

grep [-abcdDEFGHhIiJLlmnOopqRSsUVvwxZ] [-A num] [-B num] [-C[num]]
		 [-e pattern] [-f file] [--binary-files=value] [--color[=when]] [--colour[=when]]
		 [--context[=num]] [--label] [--line-buffered] [--null] [pattern] [file ...]

This is a long one! Let’s skip over the bits we’ve already covered. grep takes option arguments as well. There is an optional -A option argument. It’s also best practice to give the value a meaningful name in the. [-A num] tells the reader that -A is optional and takes a numeric argument. num is never actually used in the program, it’s purely for the reader. Continuing on we see that grep mixes long and short options. The usage states grep uses the --foo=bar long option form. There is an optional --binary-files option which requires a value. Thus --binary-files=true is valid, but --binary-files or --binary-files= are invalid forms. Next there is [--color[=when]]. Curious! Nested brackets. This means the --color optional optionally accepts a value. So --color and --color=matched. are valid forms. One must read the man page to see what the accepted when values are.

We’ve covered optional options but what about required options? Consider this example.

vagrant-workstation up -n NAME -v VAGRANTFILE -p PROJECT_PATH

There are three required option arguments: -n, -v, and -p. The values are given descriptive names to inform the header. Lastly is one more important thing to cover. We saw previously that -- indicates the end of options. Anything after -- should be ignored by the invoking program. This is commonly used for programs that invoke other programs where arguments can be passed. Consider this description.


This indicates there is a required PROGRAM argument. Next is an optional indefinite list of PROGRAM_OPTIONS indicated by [ ] and ....