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I started using semgrep on a work project. I initially learned about the project through HN. The project looked great so I filed it under “tools to use when the time comes”. Well the time came. Here are my initial thoughts in preparation for writing a guide.

My use case was detecting jest expect calls that would be replaced by a custom matcher. Here is the backstory. The codebase makes calls to the Slack BlockKit API. This results in large complex objects in HTTP requests. Different blocks have their own validations too such as “this field only accepts these values”, or “this field must be less than X characters” etc. The test suite did not capture 100% of these requirements. The result was tests would pass but then fail in production due to some unknown API constraint or other contractor error. This had happened before, so I updated the relevant test, then continued work.

The problem with that approach is it’s a local fix to that specific block in that specific test. The same issue may be present in other API calls but there’s no way to know without adding more expect calls. I decided to write a custom jest matcher that encapsulated checks for “should match contract” that supersede the other calls.

I figured semgrep would work well enough for this. I could write rules to match lines that I should change. Then run semgrep to find tests to refactor, then repeat until semgrep passed. That worked well.

Here’s an example:

The test have a lot of code like this:

expect(message.blocks[0]).toHaveProperty("type", "section");
// check required text.type
expect(message.blocks[0]).toHaveProperty("text.type", "mrkdwn");
// check required text.text present

// continue to make specific expectations on property values

These three lines are coarse contract testing. They are repeated a lot in the codebase. I’d guess it’s in the hundreds. I want all those replaced with something like:

// One custom matcher that checks the block is compliant with the
// "section" API spec

Now the test suite can add more checks to toBeSection() and now more repeated code. All that’s left is to identify all the call sites. semgrep is great for this.

I initially wrote a rule to find all toHaveProperty("type", "section") calls. Then I learned I could generalize it to find common sequences of code. Check this out.

- id: expect.slack.block.manual-matcher
    - javascript
  message: |
    Use our custom Slack Block matchers instead of these checks.

    The custom matchers encapsulate all theses expectations.
    They also check that the Block objects are API compliant.
    That means their shape is checked and other semantics like
    length of certain attributes, expected values of attributes,
    and other contraints imposed by the Slack API.

    Our matchers are

    - `toBeSection()`
    - `toBeHeader()`
    - `toBeContext()`
    - `toBeButton()`

    Etc, etc. There is a matcher for all different types of Slack Blocks.    
  severity: ERROR
    # For blocks with text
    - pattern: |
        $EXPECT.toHaveProperty("type", "...")
        $EXPECT.toHaveProperty("text.type", "...")
      # For blocks that forgot to check text.type
    - pattern: |
        $EXPECT.toHaveProperty("type", "...")
      # For blocks that forgot to check text.text
    - pattern: |
        $EXPECT.toHaveProperty("type", "...")
        $EXPECT.toHaveProperty("text.type", "...")        
      # For "context" blocks
    - pattern: |
        $EXPECT.toHaveProperty("type", "...")

I’m not going to go deep into the pattern rules right now but I think it’s clear enough what’s going on. $EXPECT is a placeholder for anything with the .toHaveProperty method called. "..." means any string. This allowed me generalize pattern for common object “shape” expectations.

This is just the beginning of my semgrep practice. This small experiment taught me that it is a useful tool and definitely deserves a spot in my workflow. I can’t wait to add this to my precommit lint-staged hook.

The second learning is that Semgrep has an --autofix option. Consider this feature alpha. In some cases it rewrote code completely unexpectedly and in the worst case resulted in syntax errors. This is not reliable enough yet to use on an entire codebase or along side tools like mature tools such as eslint. Try it on single files before trying across the entire code base. All that being said, I did write fix and fix-regex rules for all rules just to test it out. Hopefully the --autofix option matures over time.

Lastly, it could be faster. It could be too slow to run on entire codebases during precommit. Luckily it can be limited to specific files on the CLI. Even so, it could be faster. Hopefully the team makes performance improvements in the future.

Regardless of all this, I’m stoked to keep practicing with semgrep to see how and where it can improve my workflow. You should try it.